
Showing posts from November, 2022

First Sunday of Advent

 On Vacation November 26 to Monday December 5

Sunday Message: What is a Solemnity?

 This Sunday, 20 November 2022 is the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. What is a Solemnity?  In the liturgical calendar of the Roman Rite, a solemnity is   a  feast day  of the highest rank celebrating a mystery of faith such as the Trinity, an event in the life of Jesus, his mother  Mary , his earthly father Joseph, or another important saint . Why then do Catholics celebrate Solemnities? On March 25, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. Solemnities in the Catholic Church are celebrations that are of the greatest importance. The Annunciation of the Lord refers to the time when the angel Gabriel visited the Blessed Virgin Mary  to tell her that she would be the mother of the savior .Today is the day we set aside Jesus for his special recognition. Next Sunday begins the Season of Advent..The Preparation of the Coming of Jesus, Son of God. K~

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time:Luke’s Message

 As Christians prepare for Advent, Luke’s message today is also one of preparation. Jesus is speaking to a crowd when asked about specific timing of future events.Jesus lays out the case not so much about the exact time when salvation arrives on a specific date,  but what steps and means by which we should be prepared. The clue to all this is actually one word. It is how Luke reference Jesus, Teacher. At that time Jesus was not falling into the trap of prophet but his true role as teacher.  An argument can be made for this infant social experiment of less than 250 years we call the USA that we have it correct on most all levels. In fact when you remove all the shinny glitz and gadgets we are failing our families, communities, and the very social fabric that was once woven together in Faith. It is an epidemic in arrogance, self gloating, an ritualistic nonsense. As a society we must regain the first 2 commandments of Mosaic Law. Their were actually 630 laws that are contained in the fir

Veterans Day: A personal reflection

 Being so young and desperate to achieve, I took the advice of my pediatrician and friend  Dr. Charles Wassermann.I went to school through an Air Force program. He was a legendary physician with another Herbert Rothschild in New Orleans circa ‘60s. Dr. Wassermann shared a valued story with me. He said the class of the military descended from heaven and empowered the other great branches that came before them. He admired both Army, Navy and Marines. 40 years later I had a conversation with him at a local bank one day and got to thank him for that advice. I mentioned I was able to retire with 5 years active duty and 15 in the reserves. We hugged and parted. When I heard of his passing years later I remember, even today that empty feeling of loss. Today I am sure that feeling of loss is felt by so many who have lost love ones in combat from many wars and conflicts. My prayers and thoughts are with you as nothing can restore but  only mend. God bless to all those living and remember those

Election Day!

 It’s 3:42 am this Tuesday morning and my usual cup of CDM with fresh cream whisked couldn’t taste any better. It’s Election Day and soon I’ll begging my ritual for what is always a fun day. Packing a picnic of sorts to cover a 5:15(set-up) 6:00am-8:00pm shift. It reminds me of being in grade school for that day field trip. Away from the routine of life with unpredictable events ahead makes this day so special. I never realized the accuracy and procedures that a Poll Commisioner is responsible tasked to do until I became one. Out team does this percussion like a skilled surgery team. Exhausted and refreshing at the end of the evening and of course 8:30 to 10:00pm watching the National results come in once home. The highlight though is always seeing the same person at the door first each election to cast the first vote in our precinct. Well of course it’s the pastor of our parish church, all in black with his flag baseball cap. We exchange pleasantries with mutual grins as I open the cu


Thistlefoot Studying the Old Testament has given me a truer appreciation  for the plight of the early Jewish people and their endless travels.Those travels many times inspired at the hand of God as written. Folklore and campfire stories have been passed down from generations almost as long as those exhausting journeys across the desert. The book Thistlefoot continues to build on those such folklore  stories. I stumbled across a series of reviews that got favorable notice. I thought I would share some closing sentences from the author for a  glimpse between the covers. “How do you ruin a people? Is it with fire,is it with bullets? You can drag a man through the street tied to the back of a  horse. You can incinerate a village. You can line families up in rows against a brick wall and fell them one by one. All that is needed is one survivor. One survivor to carry the poems and the songs, the prayers and the sorrows. You can’t destroy an act of destruction. But if the story lives on  the

Sunday Spiritual Reflection:Yesterdays Sins -Todays Celebrations

 Catholic 32nd Sunday of Ordinary times. Before we talk about one of the readings of today it is important to put a date stamp of this reading as many are not familiar with the Old Testament. Maccabees is broken down into 2 books both small as scripture goes. They are placed last in the Douai version(historical writings) of the Old Testament. The books are subject written with little regard for time sequencing. The first book 1Maccabees to one man Judas, third son of the priest Mattathias covers an historical period approximately 175BC-134BC & 2Maccabees 180BC-161BC. Why this is so important before we discuss theme is so many people believe  Old Testament writings went dark meaning stoped with the book of Malachi around 455BC. His book was part of Prophetic books not Historical books as Macccabees. Now theme! Todays first reading deals with 1 mother and 7 sons tortured and forced to eat pork. Eating pork was a strict forbidden law for the Jewish people. Those Mosaic Laws can be fou

Saturday: No Blog Day!

Nutrition Update!!! ….Let’s Pray for: “The Hubig Pie”

 Occasionally these “ Nutrition Tips” will appear to help inform perhaps the less informed in hopes of living a healthier life style. Much of my nutrition information comes from the advertised product label or the app Carb Manager from Apple download ( free version).  The Mayo Clinic website always has nutrition updates as they are completely fact based due to comprehensive  research. Recently owners and distributors have been pushing the return of The Hubig Pie. This has long been a New Orleans treat carried in lunch boxes and purses post WW2 era as an on the go delicacy.I will point out two things to caution on this treat if nutrition is part of your active lifestyle.The short tip, run as fast as you can from this one! Here is the nutrition label and some things should jump out at you immediately. SUGAR!! In addition to Carbs. About a 3 day supply of them if you are trying to stay about 20 net a day. Also look at the high sodium and No Vitamins…the Lard content will explain the high

Aren’t we just Freshman?

 Going back and studying Theology through an academic seminary neutral culture has given me a greater understanding of what the world is and how we arrived here today. I tend to think now as the USA as a huge high school integrated with many races , sexes and economic diverse students. I say students as we are constantly learning about our culture differences in both technology and human behaviors. Fascinating!  I have developed though this high school term though to be 1000 years for to truly compare to other world samples.This would gives us the truest glimpse of how we are doing and do we ever graduate. So following this model we are quickly approaching the end of our Freshman year if we assume an official enrollment date of 1776. I going to stop here and let this sink in a little and for the next 5 days leading up to “mid-terms” let you study some.. Then we will revisit and see how we did! K~   

November 2, 2022. “What’s All Souls Day”?

 All Saints Day remembers all those in the Christian and Catholic Church that did works and deeds of exceptional measure while alive in community. Many were canonized, a process of many years to  evaluate those courageous deeds.Then awarded the title Saint. All Souls’ Day recognizes more individuals of family and community.  The reason cemeteries are more crowded on All Saints day is for centuries that was the holiday celebrated world wide and people would go and prepare.the grave sites for the following day. Fresh paint, trim grass, place flowers ect. Many cemeteries charged extra for this but families opted to do this specially as an ongoing remembrance of those loved ones.  I pray this time honored tradition of remembering those gone before us  isn’t lost to the daily noise and distractions of self serving people with respect for the lives that served or just were loved and respected by their family. The best ones it seems are the least venerated. After all their statures and monume

All Saints Day

 November 1 2022 All Saints Day!, It is celebrated on the first Sunday of the Pentecost by Eastern Orthodox Churches. It is an official public holiday in Catholic countries. It is not an official public holiday in the US, the UK, Canada, and Australia. Other names for it are All Hallows' Day, Feast of All Saints, Solemnity of All Saints, and Hallowmas. On October 31, many Americans celebrate Halloween, and some celebrate All Saint's Eve or All Hallow's Eve.  The following day is celebrated by Catholics and Anglican Christians as All Saints' Day , which is followed by All Souls' Day, or Día de los Muertos in Mexican tradition On October 31, many Americans celebrate Halloween, and some celebrate All Saint's Eve or All Hallow's Eve.  The following day is celebrated by Catholics and Anglican Christians as All Saints' Day , which is followed by All Souls' Day, or Día de los Muertos in Mexican tradition