November 2, 2022. “What’s All Souls Day”?
All Saints Day remembers all those in the Christian and Catholic Church that did works and deeds
of exceptional measure while alive in community. Many were canonized, a process of many years to
evaluate those courageous deeds.Then awarded the title Saint.
All Souls’ Day recognizes more individuals of family and community. The reason cemeteries are more crowded on All Saints day is for centuries that was the holiday celebrated world wide and people would go and prepare.the grave sites for the following day. Fresh paint, trim grass, place flowers ect. Many cemeteries charged extra for this but families opted to do this specially as an ongoing remembrance of those loved ones.
I pray this time honored tradition of remembering those gone before us isn’t lost to the daily noise and distractions of self serving people with respect for the lives that served or just were loved and respected by their family. The best ones it seems are the least venerated. After all their statures and monuments are shelved in some warehouse hidden away. I can only imagine what those families must feel. Bet like getting a hammer taken to your head!
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