

Studying the Old Testament has given me a truer appreciation 

for the plight of the early Jewish people and their endless

travels.Those travels many times inspired at the hand of God

as written.

Folklore and campfire stories have been passed down from generations almost as long as those exhausting journeys across the desert.

The book Thistlefoot continues to build on those such folklore 

stories. I stumbled across a series of reviews that got favorable notice.

I thought I would share some closing sentences from the author for a 

glimpse between the covers.

“How do you ruin a people? Is it with fire,is it with bullets?

You can drag a man through the street tied to the back of a 

horse. You can incinerate a village. You can line families up

in rows against a brick wall and fell them one by one.

All that is needed is one survivor. One survivor to carry the

poems and the songs, the prayers and the sorrows. You

can’t destroy an act of destruction. But if the story lives on 

the whole story, not only the death of a place but the life then

the slaughterer has lost.”

GennaRose  Nethercott, author 



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