Lenten Friday :Book of Joshua

 As Gods people went into the promised led by Joshua, promise’s were fulfilled. The book of Joshua

tells just how that story happened. Why this discussion in Lent? This is evidence from early on

how God worked with mankind. He gives blessings in the form of gifts and in return asks for 

acknowledgment though obedience. I will include an outline for clarity, but essentially God though

Joshua formed a pact. “I’ll give you this promise land. Obey my laws”. Simple right? Well we will

see again the flaws of human behavior.

Two basic principles are always in play, Divine Intervention and Human Co-Operation.

The out line explanation is perfect. The last two paragraphs is Joshua talking through God and

a fascinating dialogue worth reading on your own. The 40 days preparing for the journey to the 

Promised land, The 40 years wondering in the desert awaiting the promised land and finally

The 40 days of Jesus in Lend doing penance in preparation yet another gift from God, The




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